What is your newest release?
Phantom Touch coming out this October with Ellora's Cave. It's part of their Sex Bytes theme and I'm really excited about this project. I combined the Phantom of the Opera story with the current social network phenomenon. I think it comes across as a timeless yet thoroughly modern story of love, sex and romance.
How can we find it?
It's coming soon to my Ellora's Cave author page - http://www.jasminejade.com/m-683-cindy-jacks.aspx and I'll be giving sneak peeks this month on my website - http://cindyjacks.com/
What publishing houses are you with?
Ellora's Cave writing as Cindy Jacks and Cobblestone Press writing as CJ Elliott
Do you have blogs, facebook, twitter, how can we stalk you on the web?
LOL, I love web stalkers! Here are my links
twitter: @cindyjacks
What draws you to the genre you write?
Contemporary erotic romance is what I mainly write. I love exploring the complexity and richness of contemporary relationships. Modern women have so many choices when it comes to expressing their sexuality and I love being a part of that expression. As for paranormal erotic romance--it's just plain fun to write. I love letting my imagination run wild.
What makes a book memorable to you?
Powerful characters, real moments of vulnerability and scorching hot passion. I strive to infuse all of my work with these qualities.
What do you hope your readers get out of a Cindy Jacks book?
More than anything else, I hope to absorb the reader in the world I've created. Life is stressful and often tedious. If I can take the reader away from her everyday life, even for just a little while, I consider the book a success.
I know you write as another name why do you use another name and what is it?
CJ Elliott. I use the pseudonym to separate my paranormal work from my contemporary work. I think it helps set the expectation in the readers mind--a Cindy Jacks book has a certain flavor, a CJ Elliott book has another.
Are there any books in a series that you have written that you want to revisit in the future?
Very much so. At the beginning of my career I wrote a series I titled Point of Distraction. I loved the characters but despite the fact that it was critically acclaimed, it didn't sell well. I'd like to revise the series and make it more appealing to readers. I know if people gave Ana and her friends a chance, they'll fall in love with them just like I did.
What makes a good hero? And what makes a heroine memorable?
For me, a hero has to be strong, smart with a touch of vulnerability. There's nothing sexier than getting an alpha male to show you his soft underbelly. As for heroines, they have to be equally strong as the hero. I've never been one to write passive, docile female characters. I think readers will find my heroines are just as bold as my heroes, butt definitely still feminine.
If someone is new to reading you what book should they start with? I'd recommend LANDLOCKED. It's my favorite book to date and there's a lot of romantic development before the characters give in to their desires. I love creating that kind of sexual tension.
Are you going to any reader events for the readers to meet you?
I'll be attending Romanticon Sept 29th - Oct 2nd in Akron, OH. It's my first conference so I'm excited and nervous. I can't wait to meet readers and other authors in the flesh.
People think that writers have such glamorous lives what is the most unglamorous thing you have done late?
LOL, oh gosh, so many to choose from. Part of my process is to let ideas stew which means I spend as much time working on a book away from my laptop as I do typing away. The best activities to get my creative juices flowing are mundane cleaning projects (mostly because once I start cleaning I immediately want to STOP!) So yesterday I spent the whole day hunting down dust bunnies while ruminating about a plot line. Ick!
Who would be a dream collaborator for you?
I would love to write a book with Denyse Bridger (hint, hint, Denyse!). She and I are great friends and she's an amazing writer.
What would you say to any aspiring author about how to be a writer?
As cliche as the advice is, I would tell anyone who wants to be an author to write and read everyday. The more you write, the more skills you'll develop. The more you read, the more you can learn from other writers. Personally I do both every day. At least *most* days :) My final bit of advice would be to stick with it. A lot of this industry is perseverance. Believe me, every published author has had his/her fair share of rejection. Take rejection as a learning opportunity instead of a failure. Easier said than done, I know ;)
What would you like to tell the readers about you?
I LOVE reader feedback. So much of writing is done alone--it's not like acting in a play or singing on stage where you get immediate audience feedback. I love when readers take the time to contact me--even if it's to say they didn't get what I was trying to do though it's wonderful to hear that my book has made a positive impact--readers are essential to what I do. Without them, I'd have no one to tell my stories to.
What would you like to ask the readers?
Well, I'd like to pose the same question to the readers that you asked me earlier: what are the books that leave a lasting impression and why? I'd love to hear the titles that have stuck with them long after they finished reading.
CONTEST: An signed copy of Pirate's Passion which includes my novella LANDLOCKED
so post a comment and win a book!! Will draw the winner Tuesday to give everyone time to submit.