What is your newest release?
Caution: Contents Under Pressure [Haven 1]
Where can we buy it?
What inspired this release?
When I introduced the vampire Enforcers in Whispers in the Night [The Moonlight Breed 3] I loved them immediately and knew they’d have to have their stories told. Those stories didn’t really fit into The Moonlight Breed series, so Haven was born. J
I know you have a few lines with Siren, which has been the most challenging to write and why?
I’d have to say the Fatefully Yours series was the most challenging. Not only was I dealing with 8 men and 8 different personalities within one relationship, but I have a ton of secondary characters as well. It was also a serialized imprint, and each story built upon the last. It was sometimes difficult to keep everything straight and moving forward the way it should. Even though there are 9 books in the series, it was kind of like writing one humongous 450,000 word novel in 9 different parts.
Where do you see yourself going in the future?
I don’t think about the future much. I just try to take it one day at a time. I love what I do, and I hope that I can continue to do it for a long time to come.
Who do you have on your keeper shelf?
Oh, wow. There are so many. Joyee Flynn, Stormy Glenn, Carol Lynn, J.L. Langely, and Mary Calmes are just a few in my genre. As far as mainstream books, Charlaine Harris, Jeaniene Frost, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dean Koontz, and Phillip Margolin are some of my favorites.
What advice would you give a new writer?
Read, read, read. And then write, write, write. Also, find your own voice and writing style. Don’t try to mimic others. It’s rarely successful.
Have you written a character that is based on you?
A lot of my characters have at least a few of my quirks or characteristics. I’ve never actually written a character that’s completely me, though. I’m actually pretty boring. No one would want to read that. LOL!
If I were to pick you up for the first time what book would you recommend and why?
Race the Sun or Devil Did Grin. I’m really proud of both of those books.
Describe the perfect day this can be real or imagined.
One day where no one needs anything from me. No one screams, “MOM!” or “HONEY!” I don’t have to cook, clean, fix, referee, or find anything. I get to sleep for at least 12 hours and when I wake up, the ideas are flowing like water, straight from my brain to my fingertips.